This was run in a Napa Valley newspaper as part of a campaign to increase awareness about an ongoing and controversial attitude regarding licensing and development in the Valley. The intent of this letter was successful, and the council did not vote for a moratorium on tasting rooms.
This coming Tuesday, the Yountville Town Council is meeting to discuss a possible moratorium on new tasting rooms in the Town. A small, but vocal minority holds the opinion that Yountville is better served by limiting the number of tasting rooms. The proponents of this moratorium are forgetting that Yountville receives more than half of its revenue from its transient visitors through the TOT and through sales tax from retailers aimed primarily toward visitors. Because of this, Yountville has fared far better than most cities during the worst recession in recent memory. These funds have gone directly back into the community in the form of a Community Center, funding emergency and law enforcement services, parks and recreation services, and projects to maintain and improve the aesthetic of the Town. Yountville would be far better served by encouraging local businesses that support tourism.
There are a very limited number of retail businesses in Yountville that aren’t geared toward tourism. The majority of day-to-day purchases made by most Yountville residents are not made in Yountville, but rather, a few miles south. The fact of the matter is that the retail space available in Yountville is most practically suited for businesses that cater to tourism.
What Yountville does have, and should look toward capitalizing on, is a world class collection of restaurants, a variety of hotels, and a reputation as a “must see” stop during a wine trip to the Napa Valley.
Rather than concentrating on the idea that any business that is geared toward tourism and/or wine is one that does not support or affect the community that it exists in, perhaps we should look at these businesses for what they are: a thriving sector of business that brings in revenue in many different forms.
The Town Council currently has the right to deny any application for a Use Permit involving a tasting room in Yountville. They may do so if they do not agree with the proposed use and/or may dispute the percentage of the business to be treated as a tasting room versus retail space, etc. A moratorium will only serve to ensure that a vocal minority is able to cut off a potential source of revenue for the community.
The council needs to hear from the members of its community who are opposed to a blanket ban on new tasting rooms. The council meets on Tues 9/21/10 on this issue. Please let them know that many of us are not in support of this moratorium.