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This was an email sent out in early 2011 promoting a Volunteer Open House for AFSP.  

"Those who can do, do. Those who can do more, volunteer" - Unknown

You probably already know that AFSP is almost entirely volunteer driven. You probably have seen that approximately 83 cents on the dollar raised for AFSP go directly toward our programs and initiatives. I'm certain that you've seen our upbeat and dedicated group of volunteers at our walks and events.

AFSP would not function if not for the efforts of its volunteers. This is truly an organization that was created and managed by people who want to make a difference in the way we all look at suicide and mental health. Simply put: this is  your chapter of your organization.

We'd like the opportunity to show you how you can help AFSP grow and help us take our events and message to the next level. We're ramping up our volunteer efforts in the coming year and we'd love to have more hands involved! Come join us on Wednesday, January 19, 2011 to find out how you can contribute your talents to AFSP!

 With all of our different committees, there's sure to be the perfect fit for you.

 We'll have committee members from the following areas available to answer any questions that you might have.

  • Advocacy
  • Spring Event Committee
  • Walk Planning Committees
  • General Support - (office support, data entry, poster/flier distribution)
  • Speakers Bureau
  • Survivor Initiatives (Including Survivor Outreach & Survivor Day)
  • Education
  • And many more

AFSP is a volunteer-run organization that continues to grow year after year.  With more funding continuing to be raised, there are greater opportunities to offer suicide prevention services and support to the Greater San Francisco Bay Area, and we need your help!

 Please SAVE THE DATE and register to join us to learn more about the Greater San Francisco Bay Area Chapter and how we can work together to meet your volunteer needs.  Together, we will take steps toward saving lives!

Light Refreshments will be served. The University of Phoenix is conveniently located near the 12th Street BART station.

 This event is hosted by the Greater San Francisco Bay Area Chapter and the University of Phoenix.


ryan@ryanwriting.com            650.271.2594            Facebook: ryan writing            Twitter: @ryanwriting