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This is the updated content for AFSP's Greater San Francisco Bay Area Chapter, which encompasses most of Northern California. Below are excerpts from a sampling of the site's pages.  


















      Welcome to the Northern California Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. This chapter represents the area of California from San Luis Obispo, north to the Oregon border.

       We welcome you to join with us in our efforts prevent the tragic occurrence of suicide. We are dedicated to raising the awareness of suicide and its causes through fundraising events supporting research into mental health conditions. Our aim is to increase educational programs regarding the causes of suicide, thereby erasing the stigma surrounding depression and mood disorders, and creating an environment in which those suffering from these conditions are more likely to seek treatment.

      Experts estimate that a suicide occurs nearly every 16 minutes in the United States, resulting in more than 30,000 deaths each year. An additional 1500 attempts at suicide are made daily. This makes suicide the 4th largest cause of death for people ages 18-65 in the United States.

      In the most recent medical studies, XX% of suicides were preceded by symptoms of mental illness that were often recognized as treatable. Mood disorders (including depression, bipolar disorder, and others) affect millions of people in America, including the people we work and socialize with, love, and admire. Because of the stigma attached to these conditions, these mental health conditions often isolate those suffering, creating feelings of helplessness, alienation, and despair that many do not feel comfortable sharing with friends or family. It is estimated that only 1 in XX who suffer seek treatment. This sense of isolation can prove deadly.

      Our goal is to raise the level of dialogue regarding mental illness, to bring the subject Out of the Darkness (link), so to speak, in the hope that through understanding, we can prevent the conditions that often result in suicide.

      Volunteer support is vital to our success. AFSP is staffed almost exclusively by volunteers like you. We are an organization made up of people from all walks of life, from widely varied backgrounds, whose common goal is to prevent the loss of life through suicide. Please peruse our website to find out what is new in the Northern California area of AFSP and to learn more about how you can get involved. We welcome your suggestions and comments.

About Us

     AFSP is dedicated to advancing the knowledge of the causes leading to suicide, and to fostering a supportive environment for those of us left in its wake. We accomplish this in a variety of ways, including:

-Supporting research projects that help further the understanding of mood disorders and the conditions preceding suicide.

-Promoting professional education and training regarding mental illness and suicide prevention. 

-Publicizing the magnitude and scope of mental illness, mood disorders, and suicide and the need for further research, preventative measures, and treatment for those who suffer from these conditions.

-Supporting programs for Suicide Survivor treatment and education.

      The Northern California Chapter was founded in XXXX to better serve the Northern California community.      In 2009 this chapter held local fundraising events such as Community and Campus Walks, sporting event outings, and a Gala Dinner and was able to raise in excess of $130,000 toward our national fundraising goal. National Survivors of Suicide Day (link to page) was also sponsored via live telecast at several Northern California locations. It is through activities such as these that we are able to both fund further research into the conditions surrounding suicide, and to create a community of support available to those of us left in the wake of these tragedies.

With your help, in the coming year we will have many more exciting and successful events!

Resources / Referrals                                                                       

you are in crisis call XXX-XXX-XXXX

      More than 30,000 people die by suicide in the United States each year. Suicide is the 4th leading cause of death among adults aged 18-65 years old. A suicide occurs nearly every 16 minutes and an attempt is made nearly 1500 times daily. The lives of many are profoundly changed and affected by each of these tragedies – those left behind are known as “Survivors of Suicide”.

      Many of us who have lost someone to suicide are left with unique emotions and feel a barrier in talking with others about the situation we find ourselves in. We often feel that others who have not been through this peculiar experience cannot relate. Many of us have found much needed support and understanding in others who have walked a similar path and have lived through the loss of a loved one to suicide. The following are groups that are available for peer support in Northern California.

(List of all pertinent support groups by location)

Walks / Events

      It is through our fundraising efforts that AFSP is able to make an impact in the areas of research and education with regard to mental illness and suicide prevention. The most visible accessible events are our Out of the Darkness Walks (link) which serve as both fundraising events and a chance for you to get involved in your community.

      In 2009 this chapter held local fundraising events such as Community and Campus Walks, sporting event outings, and a Gala Dinner and was able to raise in excess of $130,000 toward our national fundraising goal. National Survivors of Suicide Day (link to page) was also sponsored via live telecast at several Northern California locations. It is through activities such as these that we are able to both fund further research into the conditions surrounding suicide, and to create a community of support available to those of us left in the wake of these tragedies.

       With your help, in the coming year we will have many more exciting and successful events!

Day With the A’s – Join AFSP for a day at the ballgame! Sat. 5/8/10

Sacramento Campus Walk – A community walk at Southside Park Sat. 4/17/10

San Francisco Out of the Darkness Walk – Join us at Lake Merced 9/26/10

Oakland Out of the Darkness Walk – Join us at Lake Merritt 10/16/10

Calistoga Out of the Darkness Walk – TBA

National Survivors of Suicide Day

    National Survivors of Suicide Day (link to main SSD page) is a day of healing for those who have lost someone to suicide. It was created by U.S. Senate resolution in 1999 through the efforts of Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, who lost his father to suicide. Every year, AFSP sponsors a program so the survivor community can come together for support, healing, and information. Linking conferences across the country via live telecast, along with a simultaneous live webcast, this 90 minute program is a unique event which helps Survivors connect with one another.You can view the November 21, 2009 webcast here.

Below are the locations in Northern California that will be airing the telecast live:                                     

Save the Date: Saturday, November 20, 2010 

--- list venues ---

 Volunteer Opportunities

      Through the generous support and contributions of many individuals and businesses in Northern California, we have had great success with our efforts in the past year! Below you will find just a few of the ways which you can help contribute to our continued success.


We need people to help plan and develop each of our Community and Out of the Darkness walks as well as volunteers to staff the events on the day of the walk.


Each year, we hold a Spring Event, such as this year’s “Day With the A’s” and need volunteers in many different roles to put together the events.


We always need help with the day-to-day operations of running the main office. Any help with clerical activities, mailings, etc is always needed and appreciated!


P.R. for all of our AFSP events, but for the walks in particular is a very important tool for us to increase exposure and visibility for AFSP. We need some enthusiastic volunteers to help spread the word.

Interested in volunteering? Don’t see something that you like? Have another idea for a way to help AFSP? Contact the Northern California Chapter at:  vkovacovich@afsp.org

Contact Us

AFSP-Northern California

For information about the Greater SF Bay Area Chapter or the Greater Sacramento Chapter

Please Contact:



ryan@ryanwriting.com            650.271.2594            Facebook: ryan writing            Twitter: @ryanwriting